Old Material

Prof. John Preskill holding a lecture at the LMU on quantum computation



ExQM behind the scenes at the LMU eLab


Trailer to Prof. Immanuel Bloch’s MOOC on Quantum Optics


Demonstration of Prof. Steffen Glaser’s App SpinDROPS



Professors Aspelmeyer (U Vienna) and Schätz (U Ghent) discussing experimental challenges and future developments at the ExQM Workshop at Lake Chiemsee, June 2016



Prof. Ian McCulloch (U Queensland) at the ExQM Workshop at Lake Chiemsee, June 2016



James Raftery (U Princeton) at the ExQM Workshop at Lake Chiemsee, June 2016



Dr. Volkher Scholz (U Ghent) at the ExQM Workshop at Lake Chiemsee, June 2016



Dr. Christian Gogolin (ICFO Barcelona) at the ExQM Workshop at Lake Chiemsee, June 2016