Artistic impression of a fermionic cloud expanding on an optical lattice with (left) and without interactions, see Schneider et al., Nature Physics 8, 213 (2012)
ExQM is an international and interdisciplinary PhD programme of excellence based in Munich and jointly held by various quantum physics and mathematical research groups at Technical University of Munich (TUM), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (LMU), the Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics (MPQ), the Walther-Meissner Institute of Low-Temperature Research (WMI) and the Walter-Schottky Institute for Quantum Electronics (WSI).
The programme is organised in different Research Focus Areas centred on quantum optics, numerical tensor network methods and the study of open quantum systems. The Körber Prize Lecture by Immanuel Bloch (MPQ/LMU) is a jolly good introduction to some central research areas of the programme. Using new media systematically—in close collaboration with the eUniversity at LMU—is another key element of the programme, e.g., in order to build up an Electronic Library of Excellence of Quantum Physics.
ExQM is in close collaboration with the Munich Quantum Centre as well as the IMPRS doctoral school QST all within the DFG-funded excellence cluster Munich Centre for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST).
For some project highlights you may wish to note the survey on ExQM (within the doctoral schools of the ENB programme) on the ENB-homepage of the Bavarian Ministery for Science and Cultural Affairs. With the ministery we also organised the 5th ENB Forum on Big Data (incl. video record).