Within a continuous programme with
the ExQM-curriculum is structured as follows:
Teaching and Lab Tours
Focus Areas:
Research Seminars
Miniworkshops with International Partners:
e.g., from Vienna, Innsbruck, ETH-Zurich, ICFO-Barcelona, Harvard, Stanford, Caltech, etc.
Training in New Media:
(workshop sessions at eUniversity at LMU)
Exchange Visits (within Munich groups, with intl. partner)
Research Seminars
(weekly during teaching season)
Block Courses with ExQM guest professors
International ExQM Workshop
Outreach Presentations prepared by PhD students:
ExQM Tutorial on Provenance (coop. Prof. Troyer ETH)
Exchange Visits
Stay Abroad:
each PhD student is encouraged to work in a partner group for 4-12 weeks.
Lectures & Research Seminars
enforced exchange with international partners
Joint Lunch Seminar (e.g., with TopMath, Theor. Math. Phys., SpinNano)
Industry Workshop
exchange, e.g., with QCCC/ExQM-alumni now working in industry R&D or patent offices etc.
revise E-Library of Excellence and select for Lecture Notes
New Media Outreach to present ExQM achievements
(preparing an ExQM advertisement trailor to inform/attract future ExQM-applicants)