
Within a continuous programme with

  • Research Seminars, Courses of ExQM Guests, Visiting Professors, Mini Workshops
    i.e. ExQM lectures and seminars with guests and colleagues


  • International ExQM  Workshops
    at the end of each 2-year period

the ExQM-curriculum is structured as follows:


Year 1-2
'Start Getting International'

Teaching and Lab Tours
Focus Areas:

  • Quantum Phases & Many-Body Systems
  • Efficient Tensor Methods
  • Interfacing Theory and Experiment
  • Advanced Methods of Experimental Control

Research Seminars

Miniworkshops with International Partners:
e.g., from Vienna, Innsbruck, ETH-Zurich, ICFO-Barcelona, Harvard, Stanford, Caltech, etc.

Training in New Media:
(workshop sessions at eUniversity at LMU)

Exchange Visits (within Munich groups, with intl. partner)


Year 2-3
'Getting Seen'

Research Seminars
(weekly during teaching season)


Block Courses with ExQM guest professors


International ExQM Workshop


Outreach Presentations prepared by PhD students:


  • short film on own project/group
  • video abstract, e.g., for New J. Physics
  • contribution to online courses (e.g., in cooperation with Hanover)
  • contributing to  video clip for advertising ExQM to future candidates
  • evening presentation at Deutsches Museum
  • presentation in advanced physics class at selected grammar school


ExQM Tutorial on Provenance (coop. Prof. Troyer ETH)


Exchange Visits



Year 3-4
'Before Getting Finished'

Stay Abroad:
each PhD student is encouraged to work in a partner group for 4-12 weeks.


Lectures & Research Seminars
enforced exchange with international partners


Joint Lunch Seminar (e.g., with TopMath, Theor. Math. Phys., SpinNano)


Industry Workshop
exchange, e.g., with QCCC/ExQM-alumni now working in industry R&D or patent offices etc.


revise E-Library of Excellence and select for Lecture Notes


New Media Outreach to present ExQM achievements
(preparing an ExQM advertisement trailor to inform/attract future ExQM-applicants)