Video Portraits of the ExQM PhD Students

Currently under revision.

August, Moritz
(Computer Science, Group Prof. Huckle at TUM)


Fischer, Michael
(Technical Physics, Group Prof. Gross at WMI/TUM)


Hashagen, Anna-Lena
(Mathematical Physics, Group Prof. Wolf at TUM)


Hubig, Claudius
(Theoretical Physics, Group Prof. Schollwöck at LMU)


Knips, Lukas
(Experimental Quantum Physics, Group Prof. Weinfurter LMU)


Leiner, David
(Chemistry Dept., Group Prof. Glaser at TUM)


Lohse, Michael
(Quantum Many-Body Systems, Group Prof. Bloch at MPQ/LMU)


Pancotti, Nicola
(Theory Division, Group Prof. Cirac at MPQ)


Roos, Julian
(Theory Division, Group Prof. Cirac at MPQ)


Welte, Stephan
(Quantum Dynamics Division, Group Prof. Rempe at MPQ)



Wierzbowski, Jakob
(Centre for Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials,
Group Prof. Finley at WSI/TUM)